
Previously on the Voodude Serie

Missed an episode? here are the 3 Voodude comics...
clic to enlarge

-Part One-

-Part Two-

-Part Three-


  1. I can comment on all three parts at once! YAHOO!

    What I like is that, although there is the oh so wonderful combination of muscle, height, and cock/ball growth in the comic, there is a plot starting to develop for these characters, which starts bringing them to life.....

    Also: Generic 'Hot' Comment!

  2. où est-ce qu'on les se les procure, ces pilules?! comme ça j'aurai plus à transpirer et perdre mon temps au sport!

  3. Man, I still love Voodude like no other. The charas are sexy, the plot is sexy (and unlike in most muscle gain stories, actually believable in a strange way) and you drawing style is VERY sexy. So, keep up the good work!

  4. thanks Greeny for being always so enthusiastic ^^

    Eeks, je crois que ces pilules ne sont plus en vente libre malheureusement. Il ne nous reste plus qu'à transpirer comme des veaux en salle de sport... damned!

    K thanks for all those kind comments... I take note of those comments for the next episodes...
