
♥ DPhenix

I suppose that if you visit my blog on a regular basis, you're aware of the existence of the awesomely awesome DPhenix. We do share some tastes ^^
His works are amongst my favorites and I was thrilled to get to work with him.
We had a fun time working on a common subject and I'm glad to share the results with you.
you'll find more of DPhenix's amazing works here. Enjoy!


  1. Joli boulot à tous les deux (la vache, ces biceps...)

  2. Such broad shoulders! Lovely bulge, too :D

  3. Nice work ! I'm a follower of Dphenix's works as well. He said about this picture, there is a story behind it. I wish you or him would post it some day !

  4. It's great to see how two amazing artsits can collaborate and still influence each other's work. This is a really beautiful wortk, congratulations!
